Government expresses regret over Central and Western District Council members’ unruly and unreasonable acts

     A number of members of the Central and Western District Council (C&WDC) today (June 4) convened a meeting not compatible with the District Council Ordinance (DCO) and threatened the District Officer (Central & Western) and staff at the Central & Western District Office (C&WDO). The Government expressed regret over their acts.

     The District Officer (Central & Western) had issued a letter to the DC members concerned, suggesting the members to revise the name and the Terms of Reference of the sub-committee so as to comply with the DCO. They were also advised to postpone the meeting. However, a number of C&WDC members convened a meeting not compatible with the DCO. They shouted loudly and threatened the staff in the office area of the C&WDO, causing disturbance to them.

     The Government expressed regret over the unruly and unreasonable acts of the DC members concerned and reserves the right to take legal action. The Government appeals once again to DC members to focus on district livelihood issues and advise the Government on district affairs in a rational, peaceful and pragmatic manner under the principles of mutual respect.