Government condemns doxxing behaviour

     In response to an incident in which a member of the public who participated in the Community Dialogue on September 26 was harassed and threatened with her personal particulars being made public online, a Government spokesman today (September 28) strongly condemns such an act, adding that the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data has taken immediate follow-up actions and mounted an investigation upon receiving complaints. 

     "In the past three months, conflicts in society have led Hong Kong into a chaotic situation. The Government hopes that, through peaceful and rational dialogues with people of different backgrounds and stances, it can find a way out for Hong Kong", the spokesman said.

     The spokesman reiterated that Hong Kong is a free and civilised society in which people holding different political views and stances enjoy the freedoms of speech, of assembly and so on. However, people enjoying such rights should not deprive others of their rights or inflict harm on others. Regardless of their political stands, no one should be bullied or threatened because of his or her remarks. Hong Kong can only embark on the road of reconciliation when people respect the views of one another and strive to seek common grounds amid differences.