Government climb-down is further proof that Labour is winning the argument on housing

John Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow Housing Secretary, responding to the Government’s housing announcement, said: 

“This welcome Government climb-down is further proof that Labour is winning the argument and making the running on housing. 

“When Conservative Ministers voted down this Labour proposal previously they described it as ‘unnecessary regulation’ which ‘will deter investment and put up rents’. 

“The Government must now rethink its ideological refusal to help renters in other areas too, starting by backing Labour’s plans for longer tenancies and controls on rents.” 

Karen Buck MP, who proposed these measures in a Private Members Bill, said: 

“I am delighted that the government have agreed to back this important Bill this time around. 

“One million rented homes are unfit for occupation- plagued by problems such as damp, mould or extreme cold. This Bill requires landlords to ensure that all homes are fit to live in and gives tenants new rights to challenge them if they do not. 

“Everyone should have the right to a decent home and this is one step towards making that happen.”