Government appeals to the public to continue to fight the virus together


     As the fifth wave of the epidemic is rampant, the Government announced to tighten social distancing measures from February 10, including reducing the number of persons allowed per group gathering in a public place from four to two. In order to remind foreign domestic helpers to pay attention to the latest anti-epidemic regulations, Police have distributed promotional leaflets and made broadcasts in multiple languages at their gathering hotspots for days. Meanwhile, Police have liaised with various consulates for dessmination of the news on the latest anti-epidemic regulations.

     Today (February 13) is the first Sunday since the implementation of the updated group gathering regulation. To safeguard public health, Police, special constables, the Home Affairs Department, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Labour Department and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department jointly conducted spot checks and distributed promotional leaflets on epidemic prevention to remind members of the public to strictly comply with the requirements of the relevant law at Statue Square, pedestrianisation in Staunton Street, Hong Kong City Hall and Tamar Park in Central. During the operation, Police issued reminders and warnings to those who did not comply with the regulations, and issued fixed penalty notices to those who continued to commit offences.

     In view of the severe epidemic situation, Police will continue to step up inspections and take enforcement actions against offenders in order to safeguard public health and reduce the risks of virus transmission. Police appeal to members of the public to comply with the Government’s ant-epidemic measures. With the concerted efforts of citizens in our fight against the virus, Hong Kong will certainly contain the epidemic.

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