Government appeals to public for receiving COVID-19 vaccines following Government’s arrangement

     Regarding media reports about a man receiving two extra doses of COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong after his completion of two doses of vaccines overseas, a Government spokesman today (July 19) appealed to the public for receiving COVID-19 vaccines following the Government's arrangement.
     With regard to the two COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in Hong Kong and provided under the Government vaccination programme, the current Government's arrangement is: for people who had never received any COVID-19 vaccines, they need to receive two doses; for people who were infected with COVID-19, they only need to receive one dose; for people arriving in Hong Kong who had received the first dose in places outside Hong Kong, they need to honestly convey to the healthcare service provider responsible for administering the vaccine the details regarding the first dose in order to be considered for the second dose; as regards people arriving in Hong Kong who had completed the entire vaccination course in places outside Hong Kong, there is no need for them to receive extra doses of COVID-19 vaccines.
     According to the media reports, the person concerned had completed the course of two doses of COVID-19 vaccines overseas.  Upon arrival in Hong Kong, he intentionally concealed the fact from healthcare workers at the vaccination centre that he had completed the COVID-19 vaccination course, and purported that he was an eligible person for receiving vaccines under the Government vaccination programme, with a view to dishonestly receiving two extra vaccine doses from Hong Kong’s vaccination centre.  The act of the person concerned not only potentially poses risks to his own health but also at the same time implicates the healthcare worker administering vaccination to him.  Furthermore, it seriously wastes precious vaccine resources. The Government condemns such extremely selfish and irresponsible act which disregards the well-being of others.
     "The relevant act may involve a misrepresentation and gaining of benefits through deception which constitutes a criminal offence.  The Government will conduct investigation and consider taking appropriate legal actions.  If necessary, we will prosecute the relevant person.  We also do not rule out the possibility of not providing the relevant person with the vaccination record proof of the vaccines received in Hong Kong," the spokesman added.
     The spokesman stressed, "Like vaccination programmes conducted in other places, the Government has no way to accurately grasp beforehand the vaccination records of those who get vaccinated in places outside Hong Kong.  Members of the public have the responsibility to, at the time of vaccination in Hong Kong, provide truthful statements regarding their health and vaccination situation.  A person who makes a misrepresentation to healthcare workers responsible for administering vaccines not only potentially poses harm to his or her own health, but may also be held criminally liable.   The Government appeals to all for receiving COVID-19 vaccines following the Government's arrangement."