Government announces results of Phase 1 of Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme

     The Government announced today (January 7) the results of Phase 1 of the Mental Health Initiatives Funding Scheme. A total of about $100 million has been granted to 70 projects to enhance mental well-being of citizens in the community through various services and programmes. The approved projects will commence during February to April this year for a duration of nine to 24 months.
     The Chief Executive announced in the 2020 Policy Address that $300 million would be earmarked under the Beat Drugs Fund to raise public awareness of mental health and provide better support to the needy in the community.
     The Advisory Committee on Mental Health is responsible for co-ordinating the Funding Scheme and its Project Assessment Panel assesses the applications and makes recommendations for approval by the Advisory Committee. A total of 117 applications were received in Phase 1 of the Funding Scheme. Approved projects will enhance mental well-being of citizens in various areas, including training lay leaders in the community, strengthening carer support and providing information technology support for the elderly to enhance their connection with family members and friends.
     The Funding Scheme is implemented by two phases. Details about Phase 2 of the Funding Scheme will be announced in the second half of this year.
     The list of approved projects under Phase 1 of the Funding Scheme is set out on the webpage of the Food and Health Bureau: