Government announces fee for persons staying in temporary accommodation from March 17

     A Government spokesman announced today (March 16) that persons staying in temporary accommodation provided by the Government will be charged a daily fee of $200 for accommodation and meal arrangements from March 17 (Tuesday).

     Starting from midnight on February 8, 2020, the Department of Health, with reference to the Compulsory Quarantine of Certain Persons Arriving at Hong Kong Regulation (Cap 599C), has requested all people entering Hong Kong from the Mainland or those who have been to the Mainland in the past 14 days preceding arrival in Hong Kong (except for Hubei Province) to stay at home or other accommodation for a 14-day compulsory quarantine period, the spokesman said. In general, Hong Kong residents will stay at home or other dwelling places arranged by themselves for quarantine. The Government will also provide them with information on local private guesthouses or hotels for reference. If Hong Kong residents are unable to arrange accommodation locally, the Government will arrange for them to undergo quarantine at one of the temporary accommodation sites, namely Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre, Sai Kung Outdoor Recreation Centre and Lady MacLehose Holiday Village.

     Since the implementation of the compulsory quarantine arrangement, attendance of more than 700 has been recorded at the above three temporary accommodation sites provided by the Government. As the occupancy rates of the three temporary accommodation sites are already close to their maximum capacity, it is expected that the temporary accommodation sites will be insufficient to meet the needs of all Hong Kong residents returning from the Mainland. It is therefore necessary for the Government to reserve temporary accommodation for those in genuine need.

     At the same time, the Government is aware of suspected cases of people abusing the temporary accommodation. For example, some Hong Kong residents frequently travelled between the Mainland and Hong Kong after the compulsory quarantine arrangement took effect on February 8, and stayed in temporary accommodation repeatedly. Some Hong Kong residents, despite having local residences, still insisted staying in temporary accommodation. In view of the situation, the Government will, from March 17, charge persons staying in temporary accommodation in order to combat abuse of the facilities and reserve places for people with genuine need.