Government announces enhancements on COVID-19 positive cases management


     The Government today (July 14) announced enhancements on the management of cases tested positive for COVID-19. With regard to control points, starting from today, outbound travellers travelling to the Mainland or Macao via the Shenzhen Bay Port, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port, or the Hong Kong International Airport, whose special nucleic acid test results are positive, would be issued with isolation orders immediately and sent to a community isolation facility (CIF).

     The Health Bureau announced yesterday (July 13) the launch of an online booking system for the special nucleic acid test service at the Shenzhen Bay Port. The Government today further announced enhancement measures on the arrangement of cases without negative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results in a more stringent manner. To prevent the exportation of local cases and support the Mainland's anti-epidemic efforts as well as to match with their relevant entry requirement, outbound travellers at relevant boundary control points currently can only continue with their journeys if they receive a negative result of their special nucleic acid test. As the transmission risk of those who did not obtain a negative result could not be ruled out, they could not continue their journeys. These travellers have to stay in the designated isolation areas set up on site starting today. The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health will issue isolation orders to them and arrange designated transport to send them to the Penny's Bay CIF.

     Specimen will be collected for another PCR test on the next day upon their admission. The CHP will conduct epidemiological investigations according to relevant test results. Travellers have to continue their isolation at the CIF in accordance with their isolation orders if they are considered new infection cases. For those who are considered re-positive cases, their isolation orders will be lifted and they can leave the CIF.

     In respect of management of confirmed cases in the community, the Secretary for Health earlier announced that, starting from tomorrow (July 15), infected persons undergoing home isolation will be required to put on electronic wristbands. For reported cases or cases reported via online platforms ("Declaration System for individuals tested positive for COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Test" and "Online self-reporting for COVID-19 patient") from that day, relevant government department will arrange the distribution of anti-epidemic kits and distribute the electronic wristbands at the same time. 

     The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer will assist the cases and confirm the activation of the electronic wristbands. Confirmed cases must put on the electronic wristbands during the home isolation period with a view to ensuring compliance with the isolation requirement under the law that the infected persons must not leave their household area and to further minimise the chance of community transmission. The Government provides assistance through various channels. For details, please refer to the "Handbook for Persons Tested Positive for COVID-19".

     â€‹A Government spokesman reiterated that, in view of the epidemic developments, the Government will continue to formulate targeted strategies and measures that may achieve the greatest effects with the lowest costs, thereby protecting the safety and health of citizens while minimising the impact to normal social activities.

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