Government announces appointments to Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food

     The Government announced today (February 26) the appointment of Mr Cheung Leong to succeed Mr Bernard Charnwut Chan as the Chairperson of the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food. The appointment is for a period of three years from March 15, 2021 to March 14, 2024. In addition, 12 new members have been appointed and four incumbent members have been re-appointed.
     Members of the Committee comprise representatives from various sectors, including the food industry, relevant academia and the education and mass media promotion sectors. The key task of the Committee is to offer recommendations to the Food and Health Bureau on matters relating to reduction of the intake of salt and sugar by the public, as well as reduction of salt and sugar in food.
     The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, said,  "The Committee has promoted and implemented a good number of salt and sugar reduction initiatives under the leadership of Mr Chan in the past six years, which created a less-salt-and-sugar dietary ambience in Hong Kong and laid a solid foundation for future work of the Committee.
     "I am confident that under the leadership of Mr Cheung, the Committee will continue to make invaluable recommendations to the Food and Health Bureau on various matters relating to salt and sugar reduction."
     Professor Chan also expressed her gratitude for the contributions of the outgoing members, namely Dr Mak Sin-ping, Professor Kwan Hoi-shan, Mr Lam Chiu-wing, Ms Sylvia Lam See-way, Professor Ronald Ma Ching-wan, Mrs Elizabeth Mok Lee Mi-yu, Dr Ricky Szeto Wing-fu, Dr Terry Ting Ho-yan, Ms Tse Po-chu, Mr Clory Wong, Ms Gilly Wong Fung-han and Mr Jason Wong Ho-yin.
     Full membership of the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food for the new term, which will take effect on March 15, 2021, is as follows:

Mr Cheung Leong *

Non-official Members    
Mr Kiyotaka Ando
Mr Andrew Chan Kam-chuen *
Mr Dion Chen *
Mr Ryan Cheung *
Ms May Chung *
Mr Peter Paul Joseph Johnston
Ms Dorcas Lau Shing-suet *
Mrs Linda Lau Hung Man-yin *
Mr Francis Lo Fai-shing *
Miss Winona Lo Oi-ling
Mr Gerry Ma Kwai-yung
Ms Alice Ng Yim-ting *
Mr Frankie Siu *
Professor Wong Man-sau *
Ms Danica Yau *
Mr Rogers Yuen Lai-boon *

Ex-officio Members
Representative of the Food and Health Bureau
Representative of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
Representative of the Department of Health
Representative of the Education Bureau

* New members