Government accepts recommendations in Report on the Grade Structure Review for the Disciplined Services Grades

     The Government announced today (August 10) that the Chief Executive-in-Council (CE-in-Council) has decided to accept in full the recommendations made by the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service (SCDS) and the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service (SDCS) in the Report on the Grade Structure Review for the Disciplined Services Grades (the Report). The CE-in-Council also decided that, subject to the approval of the Finance Committee (FC) of the Legislative Council (LegCo), the recommendations on salary and increment in the Report, as well as the normal conversion arrangement for serving staff in the affected ranks, should be implemented with effect from the first day of the month of approval by the FC.
     "In reaching this decision, the CE-in-Council has considered a number of relevant factors, including the credibility of the SCDS and SDCS as independent advisory bodies, the justifications of the recommendations, the views of the departmental managements and staff sides, the impact on staff morale of the disciplined services, the financial implications for the Government and the views of the community. The Government will seek the approval of the LegCo as soon as possible," a spokesman for the Civil Service Bureau said. 
     "The Government would like to express its sincere gratitude to the SCDS for its in-depth analysis and thorough consultation with stakeholders in the course of the conduct of the Grade Structure Review (GSR), as well as the pragmatic recommendations that it has come up with. The Government is also grateful for the advice given by the SDCS on the pay and conditions of service of the heads of the disciplined services departments/agencies as well as all the stakeholders for their valuable input," the spokesman continued.
      The SCDS submitted the report on the GSR for the disciplined services to the Chief Executive on June 23, 2021. The recommendations of the GSR cover areas including pay, allowances, grade structure, manpower support and conditions of service of the disciplined services. The Civil Service Bureau consulted the relevant stakeholders including the departmental managements of the disciplined services and the staff sides of the relevant grades on the findings and recommendations in the Report and sought CE-in-Council's decision on the way forward on August 10, 2021.