Good ideas in the PM’s speech
It was refreshing to hear the PM’s speech yesterday. The world does not owe us a living. The heroes and heroines are all those who get up early and go to work to make sure we have water, power, broadband, food and other supplies. The anti growth coalition opposes practically everything that can keep the lights on, keep us warm, and keep us fed. They are the importers friend and the person on low incomes nightmare. They stand in the way of doing and producing more for ourselves.
For too many years a combination of EU membership, EU rules and UK political bias against UK manufacture, UK fishing and farming and above all against UK produced energy has made us increasingly import dependent. Foolish CO2 accounting has forced companies and individuals into producing less here to get our C2 count down, only to import things that have a higher carbon count in their place to prove we have reduced our CO2! We have been retiring our gas fields, failing to renew our gas generators, closing our coalmines and blowing up our coalfired power stations, in order to import manufactures from China and Germany that rely much more on coal.
Every time there is a proposal to extract more of our own gas, especially onshore, our own coal, or produce more of our own energy intensive goods there are protesters. Any road scheme to cut congestion which would reduce fuel use for each journey is likely to meet an army of protesters who do not seem to understand it is lorries and vans that keep them in food and Amazon parcels. Lix Truss was right to champion the producers, the workers, the strivers over the protesters, the strikers and the job refusers.
I look forward to a fight back for freedom and commonsense.