Good Employer Charter 2020 to promote family-friendly employment practices

     The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, attended the Kick-off Ceremony cum Seminar of the Good Employer Charter 2020 organised by the Labour Department (LD) today (November 29). He appealed to employers of various trades and different scales to join the charter and implement family-friendly employment practices.
    Speaking at the kick-off ceremony, Dr Law said the charter shares the same spirit as that enshrined in the sustainability principle currently adopted by enterprises that can effectively bring about long-term, stable and harmonious employer-employee relations.
     He pointed out that the Good Employer Charter 2020, with a theme of promoting family-friendly employment practices, aims to encourage every employer in Hong Kong to become a "family-friendly good employer".  
    Dr Law said, "The implementation of family-friendly employment practices can bolster employees' productivity and their sense of belonging to company, thereby reducing turnover and building a positive image for the company."
    Noting that the Hong Kong economy is facing uncertainties including the risk of a global economic downturn and the impact of social incidents, Dr Law encouraged companies to join hands with their employees and continue to fulfil social responsibilities during times of economic adversity.
     The charter is supported by seven organisations, namely the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, the Employers' Federation of Hong Kong, the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business, and the Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association. In the ensuing seminar, a thematic talk was arranged and small and medium-sized enterprises were also invited to share their experiences in carrying out family-friendly employment practices and how to work together with employees to ride out difficult times.
     The Good Employer Charter was first launched in 2017 to promote employee-oriented good human resource management, show care for employees, promote a work-family or work-life balance, provide employees with benefits that are better than statutory requirements as well as establish good communication with employees or their organisations. It attracted more than 540 enterprises as signatories. The LD launches the charter again this year with a theme of promoting family-friendly employment practices. For details, please visit the website