Gold No.14 for LLWR at national health and safety awards

A consistently impressive safety performance over more than a decade has again earned LLW Repository Ltd (LLWR) recognition on the national stage at a ceremony in Glasgow.

The RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) Awards offer organisations an opportunity to prove their ongoing commitment to raising health and safety standards, and three members of the LLWR workforce were on hand to collect the organisation’s fifth President’s Award, in recognition of receiving 14 consecutive Golds.

“We never take these awards for granted, they have to be earned every single year, which is why we consider it such an honour to be consistently recognised by RoSPA,” said Dave Rossiter, LLWR’s Head of Waste Management Services, who was joined at the event by colleagues Louise Steele, Waste Compliance Specialist, who is also a Safety Representative, and Andrew Murray, Nuclear Safety Case Senior Team Member.

“You can never allow safety standards to slip, which is why we constantly impart its importance to our workforce, who remain receptive to the message.”

LLWR has now gone more than 1.25 million person hours since suffering a Lost Time Accident and its Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) stands at zero.