GLD welcomes 2019-20 legal trainees

GLD recently welcomed 43 new legal trainees to embark upon an exciting career as a government lawyer. Our trainees have a packed training programme over the next two years to equip them with the skills and knowledge they need. By experiencing four different areas of practice, in both an advisory and litigation capacity, GLD trainees will experience a range of fascinating legal work – and may have the opportunity to participate in the legislative process itself.​

David Walters, currently seated in immigration litigation, said: “The highlight of my experience so far is getting to attend the prorogation Supreme Court case. For a trainee it was a once in a lifetime chance to get to sit in the courtroom with the government’s lawyers during one of the most important constitutional cases in recent history and an experience which I would be unlikely to have had if I was training elsewhere. I have also enjoyed being able to tackle cases of my own from a very early stage. Everyone in my team has been very supportive.”

Jane Saycell, currently seated in our Employment Team, said: “‘You are in the best place in the whole of GLD. Everyone here is really lovely…’ So said every member of my new team in the Employment Group as I was introduced on my first day in the office. A month down the line and, although I have nothing to compare to, everyone really is lovely! I have been involved in interesting and varied work – from joining calls with Counsel to giving presentations on unfair dismissal to Defra managers. It’s a steep learning curve and I’m looking forward to the remaining five months of my Employment seat.”

Lucy Sawyerr, currently seated in Immigration Team 4, said: “I have been surprised by the amount of responsibility that I have been given so early on which has meant I have learnt a lot in such a short amount of time. All of my team have been very welcoming, supportive and seem really invested in my development. It has also been really nice to have a friendly cohort of fellow trainees to share experiences with.”

Omer Hamid, currently seated in our Commercial Law Group, said: “I chose GLD’s trainee scheme because of the experiences I enjoyed most at university, namely internships at commercial law firms and in the policy side of the civil service. This was the perfect combination of the two. I also wanted a job which straddled both law and politics. So far GLD has not disappointed – in less than a month here, I’ve witnessed a change of minister and a (pretty important) Supreme Court case! I’m looking forward to the rest of my seat at DWP and a long career as a GLD lawyer.”

For more information on our Legal Trainee Scheme, visit the Government Legal Profession guidance page.