Getting things done – road safety #dundeewestend

As residents are aware, I have long campaigned for further road safety improvements in the West End including “Twenty’s Plenty” in residential areas where there is local support for this and use of vehicle activated speed limit signs.     

There are currently two such signs in the West End on Blackness Road (east of Balgay Park) and Perth Road (near Clovis Duveau Drive) and I have campaigned for more of these at the request of residents – for example on City Road and Perth Road east of Harris Academy.

I highlighted at the council’s City Development Committee recently that the council does not actually have a policy for the use of vehicle activated speed limit signs – eg new sites, priority and rotation of signs.

The Head of Roads and Transportation thereafter updated me as follows :

“I have taken on board your comments below and the matters as raised at the City Development Committee and we will be developing a procedure for recording, prioritising and rotating the Vehicle Activated speed signage.  

Some of the older signs are fixed (owing to their design) however we will look at the type and provision and design of a rotational programme of sights around the city.  

There are obviously restricted financial budgets.  However there are opportunities through funding streams such as the Cycling, Walking and Safer Streets initiative and other competitive packages that I will encourage us to follow through.”