Getting things done – Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

Some weeks ago, I had a site visit with a member of West End Community Council and a City Council officer about several issues on Riverside Drive.

We agreed that some cycle parking provision just east of the car park at the Bridgeview Station Restaurant would be a good idea, particularly as there is plenty space for this.

I raised this with the City Development Department at the council and received a positive response.    The Senior Project Officer, Active Travel Strategy has now advised further :

“I am working on a wider cycle parking project which focuses on the city centre and I aim to fold the installation at Bridgeview into that wider package of works.

I have to complete the wider project by March 31st 2022 but I intend to have the work completed before then. I will of course provide you with a further update once I have more definite timescales from the contractors.”