Getting things done – Milnbank Road at the corner of Easson’s Angle #dundeewestend


Following residents’ concerns about road safety and the speed of a minority of vehicles in Milnbank Road at the corner of Easson’s Angle , I raised this with the City Council’s roads team.

The Senior Engineer – Traffic & Road Safety has now advised as follows :

“A speed survey was undertaken in the summer of 2015 on Milnbank Road just west of Easson’s Angle. The average speed was recorded as 24mph with the majority of drivers travelling at or below the speed limit.

As this survey was over five years ago, I will arrange for another one to be undertaken. Please be aware that because of the two national lockdowns there is a significant backlog of surveys and with limited staff and resources I cannot give you a date for when this survey will be undertaken. 

Any records of speeding will be forwarded onto Police Scotland, who are responsible for enforcing the speed limits, to allow them to provide targeted enforcement as required. 

There have been no recorded injury accidents at this location over the last five years, 2016 to 2020.  However, I will arrange for a site survey to be undertaken to determine if any appropriate measures can be introduced.”

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