Getting things done – Blackness Library #dundeewestend

Numerous residents have been in touch with me in recent weeks about the fact that the lift in Blackness Library has been out of action – a real issue for library users who cannot manage the stairs to get up to the reading/meeting rooms upstairs.

I contacted the Head of Libraries at Leisure and Culture Dundee about this and she has updated me as follows :

“There is a  problem with the doors and the lift engineers have advised against using the lift. They were in the library last week and told our librarian that they are trying to source a part which needs to come from Sweden. 

Hopefully this will be resolved soon, and there won’t be a  further delay due to current supply  issues obtaining goods from abroad, as not having the lift is having a serious impact on access to and usage of the upper floor in Blackness.

The Blackness librarian is keeping the customers who need lift access to the first floor aware of the current situation with weekly phone calls.”