Getting things done – Blackness Avenue #dundeewestend
Residents have over a period of time asked for better crossing facilities well up Blackness Avenue from the pedestrian crossing at the Hawkhill junction.
Although there are significant vehicle movements, the number of pedestrian crossings means that that part of the street would not meet the criteria for a light-controlled pedestrian crossing.
We therefore requested consideration of the provision of an additional pedestrian refuge island to allow pedestrians to break their crossing half way across the busy street.
We are pleased to say this was agreed to and the Senior Engineer – Traffic & Road Safety at the City Council has updated us as follows :
“Here is the location of a pedestrian refuge island you had requested a while back within the area.
After a good bit of investigating on a location this one the most suitable.”
We have marked it with a red X on the plan below.
It will be just north of the junction with Lytton Street and is now being programmed into the future works programme.