Getting things done – Ancrum Drive lock-ups #dundeewestend

Last year, at my request, Hillcrest Enterprises as factors undertook a clean-up, graffiti removal, weeds removal and guttering works at lock-ups in Ancrum Drive.

I have also asked Hillcrest if it will consider improving the road surface around the lock-ups as it is very potholed and muddy.

Hillcrest’s Housing Manager (Operations) has postively responded as follows :

“I’m aware the surface at the lock ups is not ideal and this is clearly backed up by the photo you have supplied.    … The cost of tarmac would be prohibitive but we can of course look at some practical repairs and maintenance.

I will ask my Maintenance colleagues to gather quotations with a view to having some improvements carried out after the worst of the frosty weather is behind us, perhaps around March. 

I will contact you again to outline the work we propose to undertake and give a clearer timeframe in due course.”