Gazettal of Registration of Orders of Insurance Appeals Tribunal Rules
The Registration of Orders of Insurance Appeals Tribunal Rules were gazetted today (October 16) to provide for matters relating to the registration of an order of the Insurance Appeals Tribunal (IAT) in the Court of First Instance (CFI) pursuant to section 109 of the Insurance Ordinance (Cap. 41) (IO).
The IAT was established pursuant to section 97 of the IO in July 2017 with jurisdiction to review the specified decisions made by the Insurance Authority as well as hear and determine a question or issue arising out of or in connection with a review. Section 109 of the IO provides, among other things, that after receiving a notice in writing given by the IAT, the CFI may register an order of the IAT. The Rules prescribe the form and way in which the notice is to be given.
A government spokesman said, "Upon the commencement of the Rules, an IAT order so registered is to be regarded as an order of the CFI made within its jurisdiction."
The Rules will be tabled before the Legislative Council at its sitting on October 21, 2020, for negative vetting with a view to coming into operation on December 14, 2020.