Further appointment of incumbent LegCo Secretariat Legal Adviser

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council (LegCo) Secretariat announced today (February 24) that The Legislative Council Commission (the Commission) had approved that Ms Connie Fung, the incumbent Legal Adviser of the LegCo Secretariat (LA), be further appointed as LA for two years from August 11, 2021 to August 10, 2023.

     The Commission had appointed an executive search firm to conduct an internal cum open recruitment exercise to fill the post of LA arising from Ms Fung's originally intended retirement this year.  The Commission decided that Ms Fung be further appointed for two years after taking into account the existing policy and in the light of operational needs, succession planning and recruitment situation.

     Ms Fung joined the LegCo Secretariat in June 1996 and held the positions of Assistant Legal Adviser and Senior Assistant Legal Adviser.  She was promoted to LA in June 2015.