22 May 2017
The Green Party has launched its ‘Green Guarantee’ in London this morning [1], setting out the key priorities for MPs elected to Parliament on June 8th, to transform politics and create a confident and caring country.
Co-leaders Caroline Lucas and Jonathan Bartley pledged Green MPs would protect the environment, reverse the privatisation of the NHS, give people a referendum on the terms of any Brexit deal and bring forward plans for a basic income and shorter working week [2].
- The manifesto was launched at 10.30am on Monday 22 May, at Wayra offices, 20 Air Street, Soho, London, W1B 5AN.
- https://www.greenparty.org.uk/news/2017/05/22/green-party-launches-plan-for-a-confident-and-caring-country/
- The Green Guarantee is available at: https://www.greenparty.org.uk/green-guarantee/
- A pdf copy of the Green Guarantee is available at:https://www.greenparty.org.uk/assets/files/gp2017/greenguaranteepdf.pdf
- Full speeches (check against delivery):
Jonathan Bartley
Thank you for coming to today’s launch of the Green Party’s Green Guarantee.
It sets out what any Greens elected to the House of Commons would stand up for on your behalf.
These are big bold ideas that, with the right political will, are possible. They are about building a confident and caring Britain and a future that we can all be proud of.
Confident because we are creating a resilient, diverse and people powered economy that allows us all to live larger lives and cope with the challenges ahead.
Caring because we are redefining the welfare state, striving to end inequality and committed to redistributing both wealth and power.
We live in the 5th richest country in the world. In such a country no renter should have to live in damp, cold, and neglected accommodation, no parent should have to compete with other parents to find their child a decent school, no one should have to wait ten hours in an emergency ward before getting the care and attention they need.
Most importantly of all: no one should tell you that your voice doesn’t matter, that when it comes to the biggest decision this country has faced in generations, you will not get a say on whether, having seen what life outside the EU will look like, we should choose that future or choose to remain.
The media and the old parties will tell you that there are only 2 options on the ballot paper at this election. That’s not true – and it is a disservice to our democracy.
If you believe in a welcoming Britain, a country of compassion, a fair economy where those with the most contribute more, the protection of our countryside and a nation confident enough to build bridges, not walls – then you have a choice.
If you believe things can change for the better, and that the next generation must be defined by fairness, not foodbanks – then we give you that choice.
If you believe that our future will be defined not by the size of our nuclear arsenal but by harnessing the enormous potential of the people who live in this country – then join us and stand up for what matters.
And on June 8 chose a positive future and Vote Green for a confident and caring Britain.
Caroline Lucas
I want to thank Wayra for hosting this launch. Since 2012 they have supported 160 new start-ups – getting behind bold, creative ideas, setting the agenda and shaping the future through brave leadership.
By being here today, we are choosing a future of opportunities for pioneers and innovators like them.
A new kind of economy, that meets people’s needs and protects the environment.
A confident and caring Britain that reaches for a bigger future that we can be proud of.
The Green Guarantee is about hope, at a time that feels more uncertain than any other in my lifetime.
Brexit. Climate change. An NHS in crisis.
We face challenges that we can’t possibly pretend to fix in 100 days or even 1,000.
Threats to our economic future and our security. Threats to the planet
But by working together and standing up for what matters we can change the course of history.
While other parties ignore the environment, Greens will protect it
We will transform people lives with bold policies like a basic income and shorter working week.
We will protect the NHS and roll back privatisation.
We will defend free movement and we will give the British people an explicit option to remain part of the EU as part of a ‘ratification referendum’ on the Brexit deal.
This election is about our country.
It’s about the future we choose for our children.
It’s about protecting our values of openness, compassion and co-operation.
The Green Guarantee is our promise that a confident and caring future is possible if we work together, do politics differently and dare to be different.
It says: we are ready – and we hope you’ll join us by voting Green on June 8.
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