FS begins visit in Shanghai (with photos/video)

     The Financial Secretary, Mr Paul Chan, arrived in Shanghai at around noon time today (July 5) and began his visit.
     Mr Chan visited SenseTime and the Shanghai Research Center of Huawei, which are leading technology enterprises in supercomputing and artificial intelligence, and toured their facilities as well as exchanged views with their management for learning about the latest developments of the industries and the enterprises' plans to expand business in Hong Kong.
     In the evening, Mr Chan will attend a dinner hosted by leaders of Shanghai for guests of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2023.
     Mr Chan will continue his visit in Shanghai tomorrow (July 6) to attend the opening ceremony of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2023 and deliver a keynote speech at its Plenary Session – Industry Development. He will meet with leaders of Shanghai, visit other technology enterprises and speak at Fudan University.
     Also on the visit are the Director-General of the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises, Mr Philip Yung, and the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Tony Wong.

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