Fresh food supply from Mainland generally returns to normal

     A Government spokesman said today (February 10) that the supply of vegetables from the Mainland has now generally returned to a normal level. 

     According to the latest information on wholesale markets, the supply of vegetables from the Mainland has returned to around 90 per cent of that in the same period of previous years. It is anticipated that the overall supply of vegetables will continue to return to a stable level, with a gradual decrease in price. The operation of the boundary control points is now normal with smooth traffic. The traffic volume of cross-boundary goods vehicles transporting fresh food has also increased quickly in the past two days, representing a higher level than that in the same period of previous years. Supplies of chilled pork, poultry and eggs from the Mainland have remained largely stable.

     Members of the public may visit the website of the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for updates on daily supplies and wholesale prices of fresh food (

     The Food and Health Bureau will continue to maintain close contact with relevant bureaux and departments as well as the industry to monitor the food supply, and will also closely liaise with Mainland authorities to ensure a stable supply of fresh food.