This is a non-professional translation of the French personal travel exemption relating to the COVID-19 decree.
You must download the French form below, print it and complete it and carry it on your person for each outing.
You can also use the new, user-friendly electronic version of the attestation is available on the Ministry of the Interior’s website from Monday 6 April.
This attestation complements the printed and paper versions currently in circulation and works on smartphones or tablets with a QR code which allows the police to scan it without needing to touch the device. Police will also be able to see if and when the attestation was edited to counter fraudulently dated and timed copies. There is no risk to data being stolen, as files will not be stored. However, you can save your own information.
An English translation has also been uploaded by the French Ministry of the Interior.
In accordance with Article 3 of the decree issued on 23 March 2020 prescribing the general measures necessary to deal with the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic in the context of the health emergency
I, the undersigned
Born on:
certify that my trip is related to the following reason authorised by article 3 of the decree of 23 March 23 2020 prescribing the general measures necessary to deal with the coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic in the context of the state of emergency:
trips between home and place of work, when there is essential need for it, because the professional activity cannot be performed at home (provide permanent documentary proof) or professional trips that cannot be postponed
outings to make essential purchases (full list available on, or to purchase supplies that are indispensable to professional activity, or to withdraw cash
outings for urgent medical care, appointments and care that cannot take place remotely, care for chronic diseases, such as diabetes
outings for essential family reasons, to assist vulnerable people or for childcare
short trips, close to home, for individual physical activity, excluding collective sports, and for the needs of domestic animals; a walk with someone living in your household; within 1km of your home; no longer than an hour; only once per day
responding to administrative and judicial summons
joining a community activity, if asked by your administrative authority
Completed in (name of town or city) on (MMY) and time (hour you left home) Signature
Last updated 6 April 2020 + show all updates
New electronic version of the form/”attestation”
Updated with the new certificate issued by the French government on 23 March 2020
First published.
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