Freezing of income limit and raising of asset limit of Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme

     The Government announced today (January 30) that the income limit of the Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy (I-WITS) Scheme will be frozen at $11,000 per month. Meanwhile, the scheme's asset limit will be raised from $96,000 to $99,000 according to the established adjustment mechanism. The new asset limit will be applicable to applications for subsidy from February 2020 onwards. Details are at the Annex.
     Following the established adjustment mechanism of the I-WITS Scheme, the income limit would need to be reduced in tandem with the year-on-year change in the median monthly domestic household income of a one-person household as at the third quarter of 2019. However, having considered factors including the prevailing economic situation and after consulting the Legislative Council, the Government will freeze the income limit of the I-WITS Scheme in the 2020 annual adjustment as a one-off special arrangement.
     For enquiries about the income and asset limits of the I-WITS Scheme, applicants may call the 24-hour hotline (2558 3000) of the Working Family Allowance Office (WFAO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency, visit the WFAO's enquiry counters at 9/F, 181 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, or visit the website of the WFAO (