Fraser Macpherson

Cllr Fraser Macpherson – LibDem Councillor for Dundee’s West End –

Getting things done - Seymour Street #dundeewestend

We have had numerous concerns from residents about the deteriorating state of the road surface at the north end of Seymour Street.

We raised this with the council’s Roads Maintenance...Read More »

Bus timetables at bus stops - or lack of them! - an update

Residents will recall that we highlighted some time ago that, although real time bus information is working at bus shelters, paper timetables have been out of date since the bus companies altered services at the...Read More »

Magdalen Green footbridge replacement - public engagement #dundeewestend

Further to our previous updates on the project that, subject to funding support from Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, would replace the Magdalen Green footbridge across the rail line to Riverside, with a new footbridge, the council is now udertaking Read More »

Blether Tay-Gither - Storytelling in Dundee - tonight!

Blether Tay-Gither is the Dundee Storytelling Group.

From Sheila Kinninmonth, Blether Tay-Gither’s secretary :

Once again we are meeting...Read More »

St Peter's Free Church Holiday Club - all welcome! #dundeewestend


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