Fraser Macpherson

Cllr Fraser Macpherson – LibDem Councillor for Dundee’s West End –

Update on the path from Tait's Lane to Peddie Street #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that we have raised the poor condition of the pathway from Tait’s Lane to Peddie Street and yesterday we...Read More »

Elliot Road tennis courts - your views appreciated! #dundeewestend

For some time, residents have raised concerns about the deteriorated state of the Elliot Road playing field’s tennis courts.

We had raised this with the City Council...Read More »

Getting things done - Riverside Drive #dundeewestend

Back in October 2021, Fraser had a site visit with a member of West End Community Council and a City Council officer about several issues on Riverside Drive.

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Dundee Art Society event #dundeewestend

This Friday evening – 16th September – from 7pm-9pm – sees the first in a series of free to attend talks by artists and speakers on varied and colourful topics showing the world of art...Read More »

Cost of living drop-in events

The cost of living crisis is making finances difficult to manage for many households.

To help with this, Dundee Citizens’ Advice Bureau is holding group sessions in...Read More »

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