Fraser Macpherson

Cllr Fraser Macpherson – LibDem Councillor for Dundee’s West End –

Woven Together – Dundee’s Slavery Connections

Woven Together Dundee is a community-based research project exploring Black and ethnic minority history in Dundee.

For this special live event as part of Black History Month,...Read More »

Paper and cardboard facilities at Riverside Recycling Centre #dundeewestend

Since the reopening of the Riverside Recycling Centre after the initial COVID lockdowns, we have had complaints about the lack of both paper and cardboard facilities.

We...Read More »

Getting things done - Roseangle #dundeewestend

We have raised issues about repeated flooding at the south end of Roseangle, often flooding across the road, onto the pavement and flooding basements in the adjacent flats.    

With thanks to Ed Muirhead of Face the Music here’s information from him about the community music festival next Saturday 8th October – featuring a variety of local musicians, choirs and bands.

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Getting things done - Rosefield Place and Bankmill Road #dundeewestend

Over a long period we have raised issues around the mess in Rosefield Place and the path to Bankmill Road – mainly around keeping the communal bins in Rosefield Place tidier...Read More »

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