Fraser Macpherson

Cllr Fraser Macpherson – LibDem Councillor for Dundee’s West End –

Christmas Fortnight starts today! #dundeewestend

Just a reminder that West End Christmas Fortnight starts today!

There a huge load of events – around 50! – taking place during Christmas Fortnight.

West End Christmas Fortnight starts tomorrow – Saturday 26th November.

This year’s Dundee West End Christmas Fortnight will be the largest ever in...Read More »

An Invitation from Friends of Wighton

From Sheena Wellington :

At the Wighton Centre, Central Library this Saturday – 26th November – at 11am.

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Getting things done - Corso Street sheltered lounge - handrail #dundeewestend

Although there is a handrail for tenants to use coming out of the Corso Street sheltered lounge going both north and south from the lounge, residents have highlighted to us that the handrail running south towards...Read More »

Connecting Carers Café #dundeewestend

The second Connecting Carers Café for the West End and Lochee is this Thursday morning at the Friary in Tullideph Road.

Feedback from the October café that Fraser attended was that the starting time was a bit early for...Read More »

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