Fraser Macpherson

Cllr Fraser Macpherson – LibDem Councillor for Dundee’s West End –

Ninewells Community Garden on-line event #dundeewestend

In this Ninewells Community Garden on-line event, Bob Bilson and Peter Christopher will lead a workshop on the pruning of fruit trees and bushes to de-mystify and explain the processes which many amateur gardeners can...Read More »

Support for cross-party effort to secure free ATMs

I am giving my support to a cross-party effort at the UK Parliament to secure free-to-use ATMs.

Led by Liberal Democrat MP Jamie Stone, a group of...Read More »

University restructuring concerns - Minister responds

Richard Lochhead MSP, Minister for Further Education, Higher Education has responded to the concerns I have raised over proposals by the University of Dundee that would see the merger of...Read More »

Latest update from Friends of Wighton

From Sheena Wellington about today’s Lunchtime Recital online by Ensemble Hesperi :

We are very pleased to welcome back as our online Lunchtime Recital guests this month,...Read More »

Mental health guides from Feeling Strong

Feeling Strong, Dundee’s youth mental health charity, has launched its new and improved mental health guides.

There are three new guides which are for young people, children...Read More »

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