France: Nanobiotix signs a EUR 40m non-dilutive financing agreement with the EIB

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Werner Hoyer
Dario Scannapieco
Jonathan Taylor
Ambroise Fayolle
Andrew McDowell
Vazil Hudák
Alexander Stubb
The EIB services

Former Presidents
Former Vice-presidents
from left to right: Mustafa Abdel-Wadood, CEO,Abraaj Capital Limited, Philippe de Fontaine Vive Curtaz,Vice President, EIB and H.E. Eng. Yarub Qudah, CEO of JEDCO
Greater Manchester Metrolink extension
Mr Olaf Scholz, Mayor of Hamburg
Fritz Vahrenholt, Chief Executive Officer, RWE Innogy GmbH, Germany, Karina Veum, Senior Researcher, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands, Alistair Buchanan, Group Chief Executive, OFGEM, UK regulator of gas and electricity markets and Frauke Thies, EU Energy Policy Coordinator, Greenpeace
Mr Matthias Kollatz-Ahnen, Vice-President of the EIB
from left to right:Jörg Vogt, CFO, Trianel, Germany (Project: Borkum West II Offshore Wind Park), Pierre Lestienne, CFO, C-Power, Belgium (Project: C-Power near Ostend) and Georg Friedrichs, Vice-President, Head of Offshore Wind Projects, Vattenfall, Germany (Project: Thanet Offshore Wind Farm)
from left to right: Mr Kevin Smith, Director Wind Energy, Det Norske Veritas, Norway, Mr Frank V.Nielsen; Chief Technology Officer, LM Wind Power, Denmark and Mr Konstantin Staschus, Secretary General, European Network of Transmission System Operations for Electricity (ENTSO-E)
from left to right: Mr Rober Harrabin, Environmental Analyst, BBC and Mr Hans-Jörg Bullinger, President, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft of Germany
Mr Paulo Roberto de Oliveira Araujo, Head of Department, BNDES International Division, Mr F. de Paula Coelho, Director of the ALA Department of the EIB and Mr Christophe Nègre, Deputy Head of Division, Legal Department of the EIB
From left to right: Mr. de Paula Coelho, Director of the Asia Latin America Department and Mr Paulo Roberto de Oliveira Araujo, Head of Department, BNDES International Division
From left to right: Mr. de Paula Coelho, Director of the Asia Latin America Department of the EIB and Mr Paulo Roberto de Oliveira Araujo, Head of Department, BNDES International Division
Mr Paulo Roberto de Oliveira Araujo, Head of Department, BNDES International Division
Group picture of the signature Brazil Climate Change Mitigation
Picture of all the participants at the signature EFL loan for SMEs and Mid-Caps III
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr ANDRZEJ KRZEMINSKI President of the Management Board- EFL and Mr Mariusz KOLWAS, Vice-President of the Management Board – EFL
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Andrzej KRZEMINSKI President of the Management Board- EFL Mrs Anita FÜRSTENBERG-LUCIUS, Director EIB Mr Anton ROP, Vice-President of the EIB
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Andrzej KRZEMINSKI President of the Management Board- EFL Mrs Anita FÜRSTENBERG-LUCIUS, Director EIB, Mr Anton ROP, Vice-President of the EIB
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Andrzej KRZEMINSKI President of the Management Board- EFL Mrs Anita FÜRSTENBERG-LUCIUS, Director EIB Mr Anton ROP, Vice-President of the EIB
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr Zygmunti TRYBKA, Director of the Financing Department EFL and Mr Piotr KOZIOL, Director of the Legal Department EFL
Group picture of the signature EFL Loan for SMEs and Mid-Caps III
from left to right:Mrs Flavia Palanza, Associate Director for Central and Eastern Africa, EIB, Mr. Jack Nkusi Kayonga, Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Bank and Mr Patrick Walsh, Director responsible for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific operations.
from left to right: Mr. Jack Nkusi KAYONGA, Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Bank and Mr Patrick Walsh, Director of the Central and Eastern Africa, Pacific Department of the EIB
Mr. Jack Nkusi KAYONGA, Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Bank
from left to right:Mrs Flavia Palanza, Associate Director for Central and Eastern Africa, EIB, Mr. Jack Nkusi Kayonga, Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Bank and Mr Patrick Walsh, Director responsible for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific operations.
from left to right:Mrs Flavia Palanza, Associate Director for Central and Eastern Africa, EIB, Mr. Jack Nkusi Kayonga, Chief Executive Officer of the Rwanda Development Bank and Mr Patrick Walsh, Director responsible for Africa, Caribbean and Pacific operations.
J.A.Mannai, Président du Fonds Monétaire Arabe; P.Maystadt, Président de la BEI; A.M.Ali Al-Madani, Président de la Banque Islamique de Développement; F.Baroin, Ministre de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Industrie; D.Kaberuka, Président de la Banque Africaine de Développement; C.Lagarde, directrice générale du FMI
Photo de la signature
Photo de groupe de la signature
from left to right: Founders and biggest investors:
From left to right: all investors+Fund Manager:
Mr Anton Rop, Vice President of the European Investment Bank
de gauche à droite: M. Othman Ben Arfa, PDG de la STEG, M. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice-président de la BEI et M. Mohamed Nouri Jouini, Ministre du Développement et de la Coopération Internationale
de gauche à droite: M. Othman Ben Arfa, PDG de la STEG et M. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice-président de la BEI
de gauche à droite: M. Othman Ben Arfa, PDG de la Société Tunisienne de l’Electricité et du Gaz , M. Philippe de Fontaine Vive, Vice-président de la BEI et M. Mohamed Nouri Jouini, Ministre du Développement et de la Coopération Internationale
De gauche à droite:
Closing Ceremony Rural Impulse Fund II SA, SICAV-SIF; Luxembourg 1st June 2010
de gauche à droite: M.Carlos Da Silva Costa ,Vice Président de la BEI et M. Valls i Riera, Président de l’Autoridad Portuaria de Barcelona.
de gauche à droite: Carlos da Silva Costa, vice-président de la BEI et Ignacio Galán, Président d’Iberdrola
M. Philippe Maystadt, Président de la BEI, S.E.M. Premier Ministre de la Serbie et M. Dario Scannapieco, Vice-Président de la BEI à la signature de contrats
M. Philippe Maystadt, Président de la BEI et S.E.M. Mirko CVETKOVIC, Premier Ministre de la République de Serbie à la signature du livre d’or
Mr. I Dalianis, Financial Manager of Symetal ,Mr. K Kontos, General Manager of Symetal , Mr P Sakellaris Vice President of the EIB, Mr. D Kyriakopoulos, Executive Vice President of Elval and Mr. L Varouchas, General Manager of Elval
Mr P.Sakellaris, Vice President of the EIB and Mr D. Kyriakopoulos, Executive Vice President of Elval
Mr P. Sakellaris, Vice President of the EIB and Mr D.Kyriakopoulos, Executive Vice President of Elval
Press conference in Athens today, Mr Plutarchos Sakellaris, Vice President of the EIB
Press conference in Athens today, Mr Plutarchos Sakellaris, Vice President of the EIB
Press conference in Athens today, Mr Plutarchos Sakellaris, Vice President of the EIB
Press conference in Athens today, Mr Plutarchos Sakellaris, Vice President of the EIB
The Marseille Center for Mediterranean Integration is launched today
Le Centre de Marseille pour l’Intégration en Méditerranée est inauguré aujourd’hui
Session on “Modelling Cities and Urban Dynamics” hosted by the EIB-University Action Programme
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