FPS payment function extended to government counters and self-help kiosks


     The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau today (December 21) announced that in order to assist members of the public in paying government fees and charges, four more government departments will accept payments through the Faster Payment System (FPS).
     Starting today, FPS QR code devices will be available for use at designated counters and self-help kiosks of the Companies Registry, the Immigration Department, the Official Receiver's Office and the Transport Department, so that altogether seven government departments now accept payments through the FPS. Members of the public can simply scan the FPS QR codes generated by the devices using mobile banking applications or e-wallets of stored-value facility operators that support payments of the government fees and charges through FPS QR codes. 
     The FPS has been widely used by members of the public since its launch in September 2018. As of November this year, the FPS has recorded 6.54 million registrations and processed 160 million real-time transactions (involving a total of about $1,900 billion and RMB34 billion). To promote wider adoption of the FPS and provide greater convenience to the public, the Government has since November last year accepted payment of taxes, rates and Government rent, and water charges through the FPS. The Government will continue to explore adopting the FPS to assist members of the public in making payments for other government fees and charges.

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