Foundation of a new era for Eurofound
On 26 May 1975 the Council passed Regulation (EEC) No 1365/75 on the creation of a new Agency that would aim to contribute to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions, through the dissemination of knowledge pivotal to working life in Europe. Now, almost 44 years later, the Founding Regulation of Eurofound gets a 21st Century update that reflects the organisation’s expertise, and continued modernisation and adaptation to a rapidly changing Europe.
The new Founding Regulation puts emphasis on the role of Eurofound in shaping and implementing policies and promoting dialogue between management and labour. It envisages that Eurofound will play a pivotal role in enhancing and disseminating knowledge, provide evidence and services for policy making, and facilitate knowledge-sharing among and between the EU and national actors.
The new Regulation seeks to adapt the Agency’s mandate to reflect the complex and rapidly changing working environment of modern Europe. It gives greater definition to Eurofound’s role; extends Eurofound’s services to the EU institutions, social partners and national stakeholders; and enshrines cooperation between different actors within the Agency’s tripartite institutions. It also updates the Agency’s governance procedure in a way that maximises transparency and accountability; this includes a new direct role for the European Parliament.
Speaking about the coming into force of the new Founding Regulation, Eurofound Executive Director Juan Menéndez-Valdés said, “The adoption of Eurofound’s new Founding Regulation is very significant: it enshrines a spirit of cooperation and mutual understanding that is fundamental for modern Europe. The Regulation also recognises the pivotal work of the Agency, its utility for the EU, national governments, and social partners, and its continued modernisation and adaptation to ongoing change.”
The full text of the new Founding Regulation is available via the Official Journal of the European Union.
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