Foundation course of second phase of Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders Programme concluded (with photos)
Titled "Rule of Law Education (ROLE) Stars", the two-day foundation course of the second phase of the Rule of Law Education Train-the-Leaders (TTL) Programme organised by the Department of Justice (DoJ) was concluded today (July 13).
The programme was attended by over 100 secondary school teachers who are mainly responsible for teaching courses related to the rule of law, the Constitution, national security education, and Citizenship and Social Development. Representatives from the DoJ and different sectors such as the legal profession and the media served as trainers to teach in the programme and guide the discussions and interactive sessions. A number of trainees said the course content was substantial, easy to understand and practical, which helped strengthen their ability in promoting correct messages on the rule of law to students and young people, aiding them in building a correct global perspective as well as life and personal values.
Led by the Secretary for Justice, Mr Paul Lam, SC, the second phase of the TTL Programme was launched at the Justice Place last Saturday.
The second day of the TTL Programme conducted today began with Mr Martin Hui, SC, and Ms Roberta Chan, solicitor, briefing the trainees on topics including the criminal and civil litigation process of the Hong Kong courts, alternative dispute resolution services and the legal profession.
It was followed by a session in which the Deputy Secretary for Justice, Mr Cheung Kwok-kwan, and experienced media professional Ms Ho Yuen-yi shared their views and practical experience on communication skills in disseminating messages on the rule of law. An interactive session was then held for the trainees to conduct group discussions and exchanges.
An interactive "Talk to the Secretary for Justice – Question-and-Answer Session" was held in the afternoon, during which Mr Lam had in-depth exchanges with the trainees on topics related to the rule of law. Teachers joining the event actively participated throughout the session. They asked questions enthusiastically and discussed with Mr Lam various topics such as enhancing the students' interests in Hong Kong legal system and the rule of law situation in the country.
Mr Lam said that to uphold the rule of law, everyone in the community should be a guardian and an advocate of the rule of law. As team leaders of the next generation, teachers will have to go the extra mile among all guardians and advocates. When working on the rule of law education, he said he hoped that participating teachers could have faith that they were not alone, as the Government will do its best to provide assistance. He also encouraged teachers to proactively learn more about the rule of law.
The graduation ceremony and certificate presentation ceremony of the second-phase programme was also held in the afternoon. Officiating guests of the graduation ceremony, namely Mr Lam; member of the Steering Committee on Rule of Law Education, Chairperson of the Working Group on Coordination and Liaison and Legislative Council Member, Ms Carmen Kan; and the Under Secretary for Education, Mr Sze Chun-fai, delivered concluding remarks at the event.
The three officiating guests, together with the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, and the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Bar Association, Mr Victor Dawes, SC, presented certificates to trainees who have completed the two-day foundation course of the second-phase programme.
For more details on the TTL Programme and other information relating to the promotion and training on the rule of law, please visit the dedicated website at