Forward look: 31 May – 13 June 2021

The location and the format (physical or virtual) indicated for each meeting are subject to change.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport), 3 June

Ministers will aim for a general approach on the Single European Sky, hired vehicles, and third country certificates in inland navigation. The Council is due to adopt conclusions on railways and on sustainable and smart mobility, and will discuss the latter topic.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Telecommunications), 4 June

Ministers will assess progress on the Data Governance Act and on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union. They will discuss the topic of “2030 Digital Compass: How to chart the way towards the EU’s digital future”.

Justice and Home Affairs Council (Justice), 7 June

Ministers will hold a debate on how to combat illegal content online in the context of the digital services act proposal. They will also aim to reach general approaches on the regulation on assignment of claims, the regulation on cross border e-Justice in Europe (e-CODEX) and the regulation amending the European Agency for Fundamental Rights.

Justice and Home Affairs Council (Home Affairs), 8 June

Ministers will hold a debate on the impact of COVID-19 in fighting criminality and will exchange views on the internal security outlook regarding artificial intelligence. They will also have a first discussion on a Schengen strategy, which is expected to be presented by the Commission next week.

Environment Council, 10 June

Ministers will hold debates on the proposal for a revised Regulation concerning batteries and waste batteries. They will aim to approve Council Adaptation to Climate Change and hold a first exchange of views on the EU Action Plan on Zero Pollution.

Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy), 11 June

Ministers will aim to reach a general approach on the revision of the TEN-E Regulation and approve Council conclusions on a Renovation Wave, followed by an exchange of views on hydrogen.