Overview of the main topics and events at the Council of EU and European Council.
The location and the format (physical or virtual) indicated for each meeting are subject to change.
30 November 2020
Video conference of youth ministers
Youth ministers will discuss youth mobility during the pandemic and beyond and will be briefed about the ongoing work in the area of democratic awareness among young people and the European Youth Work Agenda
Video conference of education ministers
Education ministers will express solidarity with the victims of terrorist attacks in Europe and will discuss the European Education Area and the European cooperation in education and training beyond 2020
1 December 2020
Video conference of economics and finance ministers
Ministers are expected to discuss administrative cooperation in the field of taxation, the Banking Union, the Capital Markets Union, European Semester 2021, international debt relief, in particular for African countries, and international tax issues
Video conference of culture ministers
Ministers will discuss the recovery of the culture and media sector from the pandemic and will be briefed about the conclusions on gender equality in the field of culture, and on safeguarding a free and pluralistic media system
Video conference of sport ministers
Ministers will discuss the international sporting events during the pandemic and will be briefed about the EU Work Plan on Sport 2021-2024 and the conclusions on promoting cross-sectoral cooperation for the benefit of sport and physical activity in society
2 December 2020
Video conference of justice ministers
Ministers will discuss the justice aspects of counter terrorism, as well as rule of law developments in the field of justice. They will be informed of the state of play on the proposal for a regulation on assignments of claims and of the latest developments in the setting up of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO)
Video conference of health ministers
Ministers will discuss ways to build a European Health Union and will exchange views about the pharmaceutical strategy for Europe
3 December 2020
Video conference of employment and social policy ministers
Ministers will discuss social protection in the Platform economy and how to implement the Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025
7 December 2020
Foreign Affairs Council
EU ministers of foreign affairs will be briefed about current affairs and exchange of views on transatlantic relations and strategic autonomy
Video conference of telecommunication ministers
Ministers will discuss the proposal for a data governance act, published by the Commission on 25 November
Video conference of European affairs ministers
European Council and (poss.) EU-UK relations will be on the agenda of the videoconference of EU Affairs ministers
8 December 2020
Video conference of transport ministers
Ministers will discuss a proposal to revise the EU road-charging directive (Eurovignette), and the Commission’s proposals concerning the Single European Sky
10-11 December 2020
European Council
EU leaders will meet in Brussels to discuss further coordination on COVID-19, climate change, security and external relations
For video coverage of Council sessions and audiovisual material, please see the following Council websites:
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