Formation of Assessment Committee of the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations

     The Government today (June 15) appointed six non-official members to the Assessment Committee of the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations for a term of three years till June 2023.
     The Government attaches great importance to relieving the pressure of families living in unpleasant conditions and those who have waited for public rental housing for a long time. The Chief Executive announced in the 2019 Policy Address the target of providing a total of 10 000 transitional housing units within the next three years. On January 14, the Government announced that it would further increase transitional housing by raising the three-year target to 15 000 units. As one of the proactive approaches in facilitating non-government organisations to take forward transitional housing projects and to increase transitional housing supply, the Legislative Council approved on March 6 the Government's proposal on setting up the $5 billion Funding Scheme.
     The Assessment Committee will vet applications and oversee the implementation of the Funding Scheme. The first meeting will tentatively be held in late June.
     The membership of the Assessment Committee is as follows:
Under Secretary for Transport and Housing
Non-official members
Mr Ho Chi-shing (Representative of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
Mr Stephen Ho Kin-wai (Representative of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects)
Mr Raymond Kam Ka-fai (Representative of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors)
Professor Rebecca Chiu Lai-har
Ms Tennessy Hui Mei-sheung
Ms Joey Lee Hau-yee
Official members
Director of Housing or his/her representative
Director of Social Welfare or his/her representative