Formal trade in Africa can improve region, prospects for women – UN agency reports


25 May 2017 – Simplifying the requirements for a business license, offering incentives to tax payers, and tackling official corruption are among the recommendations by the United Nations agricultural organization to cut informal trade among African countries and boost economic prosperity, particularly for women.

&#8220Informal cross-border trading, in which transactions are not compliant with local tax and other rules, accounts for a large share &#8211 between 20 and a hefty 70 per cent

&#8211 of employment in sub-Saharan Africa,&#8221 according to the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

&#8220Putting it on a regular footing can lift sustainable prosperity and markedly improve prospects for women,&#8221 FAO said in a new publication, Formalization of informal trade in Africa.

Informal cross-border trade, often agricultural, is the result of poor access to government offices, a lack of administrative skills and improper understanding of import and custom-tax laws.

One of the main groups that would be affected by formalization is women, who constitute the largest share of informal traders &#8211 about 70 per cent in Southern Africa and more than half in other parts, according to the report.

&#8220Facilitating formalization is the only viable policy option for Africa’s transformation agenda to realize its objectives,&#8221 said Suffyan Koroma, FAO senior economist and lead author of the report.

The publication was presented today at a conference in Kigali, Rwanda. The event is part of ongoing FAO-supported work in the country, along with UN Women and other development partners, aimed at enabling women to benefit more from agri-food chains, a project geared to allowing women small traders access useful information as well as start-up capital.