Form: Licensed finishing units for cattle: application

Updated: Terms and conditions of the approval and operation of a licensed finishing unit (England) updated

A licensed finishing unit (LFU) is a type of TB unit which can only be located in the low risk areas of England. A licenced finishing unit (LFU(Wales)) is a type of TB unit, which can only be located in the low TB area in Wales.

An LFU in England and an LFU(Wales) both provide an outlet for the finishing of negative-testing cattle from multiple officially TB free (OTF) herds, where the animals are permanently under movement restrictions and housed under biosecure conditions.

Cattle may be sourced from multiple OTF premises and any area of England, Scotland and Wales.

Cattle moving into an LFU in England and into an LFU(Wales) must be compliant with all statutory pre-movement testing (PRMT) requirements, before they are moved to the unit. Cattle in the unit are exempt from post-movement testing, providing the statutory pre-movement testing requirements have been met.

Whilst LFUs in England and Wales are similar, there are significant differences and separate conditions of approval and guidance for the operation of these units apply. Further information, as follows:

For England

  • LFUs were introduced in England to replace Approved Finishing Units (AFUs) in the low risk areas
  • Cattle can only move from those units direct to slaughter or via a TB approved slaughter market or gathering in England
  • TB testing is not required for cattle in LFUs but APHA have the option to test in exceptional circumstances
  • Any cattle moving in from a holding that is subject to annual or more frequent TB testing will require a post movement test if a PRMT has not been carried out in the 60 days before moving into the unit

For Wales

  • LFUs(Wales) have been introduced in the low TB area to provide an option for exemption from post-movement testing of cattle moving into a finishing enterprise
  • Cattle can only move from those units directly to slaughter or to slaughter via a TB approved slaughter market in England or Wales or via a TB approved slaughter gathering in England
  • Cattle in LFUs must be tested every 6 months
  • Any animal identified as not receiving a statutory PRMT, when a statutory PRMT is required, in the 60 days before movement into an LFU(Wales), will require additional testing

Please refer to the guidance document (TR429/TR429w) for the full terms and conditions for the approval of an LFU.