You need to nominate a ‘site representative’ at each site named in the management plan. The site representative completes the site appendix.
You need to nominate a ‘primary contact’ who:
- completes the licence application form and management plan
- provides a completed site appendix for each site
- oversees and manages the licence
- allocates the quota to each site (that is the maximum number of birds allowed to be shot under the licence)
- submits a report of action taken for each site and a summary report at the end of the licence period
You’ll be sent a report form and summary report form with your licence document.
The primary contact and the site representatives are:
- the licensees
- all responsible for meeting the terms and conditions of the licence
The primary contact doesn’t have to be one of the site representatives.
Licences are free. Allow up to 30 working days for a licensing decision to be made.
The Angling Trust’s Fishery Management Advisers provide advice and assistance with this licence.
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