Form: Application forms: new abstraction licence for a previously exempt abstraction


Updated: Forms and guidance notes have been updated to reflect feedback from stakeholders.

Complete the application form for a water resources licence part A to tell us about you and the type of licence you are applying for.

Complete the application form for a water resources licence part B to tell us what you want the water for.

Evidence we need to support your application

You must provide evidence that abstraction took place during the 7 year qualifying period before the exemption was removed. Examples of evidence include:

  • meter readings
  • invoices for equipment
  • photos of infrastructure
  • business receipts or contracts

See the document on this page called ‘New authorisations evidence guide’ for more information.

Quantities of water

You must tell us about the quantities of water you have abstracted during the 7 year qualifying period.

If you do not measure the quantities of water you abstract, you must give us estimates and calculations to support the quantities that you have applied for.

The main ways to work out your quantities are:

  • flow metering
  • spot flow measurement
  • theoretical hydraulic calculation

For surface water abstractions that you have not metered, we recommend that you do abstraction spot flow measurements. This will give you an estimate of the volumes you are taking. You will not need to give us more evidence if you do this correctly.

If you cannot carry out spot flow measurements or meter your abstraction, please complete the document on this page called ‘New authorisations structure table and volume validation: form WR365’ to calculate your abstraction rate.

Pay by debit or credit card

Pay for your licence by debit or credit card (form CC1).

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