Foreign Secretary Statement: Cyber and Critical Technology Partnership with Australia


News story

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has agreed a new Cyber and Critical Technology Partnership with Australia’s Foreign Minister.

The Rt Hon Liz Truss MP

Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss has agreed a new Cyber and Critical Technology Partnership with Australia’s Foreign Minister, Marise Payne, to strengthen global technology supply chains, ensure the UK’s positive technology vision and tackle malign actors who disrupt cyber-space.

The new agreement includes provisions to build greater resilience to ransomware amongst Indo-Pacific nations and sharpen legal sanctions against cyber attackers. It will also deepen practical co-operation on ensuring technology standards reflect our shared values.

Foreign Secretary, Liz Truss said:

As champions of freedom and democracy, the UK and Australia are hard-headed in defending our values and challenging unfair practices and malign acts.

In the battlegrounds of the future, cutting edge technologies will be crucial in the fight against malign cyber actors who threaten our peace and security.

That’s why today, the UK and Australia have agreed a new cyber and technology partnership to ensure that liberal democracies shape the technology rules of tomorrow.

Signed by Truss in Sydney during her visit to Australia, the agreement will also support development of a network of liberty that will deter cyber-attacks before they happen and call out malign actors who perpetrate the acts.


Published 20 January 2022

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