Foreign Secretary meeting with Josep Borrell, EU High Representative and Vice President of the Commission, 5 May


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Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and EU High Representative and Vice-President of the Commission Josep Borrell met in the margins of the G7 Foreign Ministers Meeting in London, on 5 May 2021.

In a joint statement, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and EU High Representative and Vice President of the Commission, Josep Borrell, said:

We are pleased to have reached an agreement together, based on goodwill and pragmatism, on an Establishment Agreement for the EU Delegation to the UK. The EU Ambassador will have a status consistent with heads of missions of states, including agrément and presentation of the credentials to the Head of State. EU Delegation staff will have the privileges and immunities needed to function effectively, while allowing for effective administration of justice, and we look forward to moving ahead and tackling global challenges together.

They also discussed future EU – UK cooperation on foreign and security policy and avenues for stepping up joint work on climate change and climate diplomacy, including ahead of the Glasgow COP26.

The Foreign Secretary and the High Representative also exchanged on the Cyprus settlement talks. They stressed the need to build the momentum for a next meeting of the two sides and underlined their full support to the UN efforts in the process.

Published 5 May 2021

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