Foreign Secretary agrees UK-Singapore joint statement

Press release

The UK and Singapore agreed a statement reaffirming both countries’ commitment to free trade, climate action, and sustainability as we rebuild after COVID-19.

The UK today agreed a joint statement with Singapore reaffirming both countries’ commitment to free trade, climate action, and sustainability as we rebuild after the pandemic.

The joint statement also sets out a shared approach on technology, knowledge and education, security and resilience, as well as our mutual human rights obligations. It is linked to the Free Trade Agreement signed by the 2 countries in December last year.

The Foreign Secretary agreed the statement on behalf of the UK earlier today, with his counterpart from Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said:

The UK-Singapore Partnership is based on shared goals on security and climate change, as well as our drive towards innovation and prosperity.

Today, Foreign Minister Balakrishnan and I committed to reinforcing these links and creating new opportunities for cooperation.

Published 4 March 2021