Foreign Secretary agrees joint UK statement with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (11 October 2021)


Press release

The UK has today agreed a joint statement with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania reaffirming a commitment to security cooperation in the Baltic region, and agreeing to foster closer economic links.

The UK today agreed a joint statement with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania reaffirming a commitment to security cooperation in the Baltic region, and agreeing to foster closer economic links.

The joint statement also sets out the importance of NATO as the cornerstone of Euro-Atlantic security, and agrees that closer cooperation is vital if we are to effectively counter interference by malign actors, including hostile activity from Russia, China and Belarus.

The Foreign Secretary agreed the statement on behalf of the UK earlier today, with her counterparts from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said:

The UK’s partnership with our Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian allies is based on shared goals on security, economic prosperity and protecting democratic values and freedoms.

The UK and our Baltic partners are champions of democracy and its associated freedoms.

Today, Foreign Ministers Eva-Maria Liimets, Edgars Rinkēvičs, Gabrielius Landsbergis and I committed to advancing those freedoms and to work together to protect the basic human rights and values that underpin the democratic world that we want to live in.

Published 11 October 2021

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