Food and Health Bureau and Hospital Authority awarded at 20th APICTA Awards

     The project Achieving Zero-COVID with the Integrated Hong Kong Digital Health Platform led by the Food and Health Bureau (FHB) and the Hospital Authority (HA) received a Winner award at the 20th Asia Pacific Information and Communications Technology Alliance (APICTA) Awards.

     Joined by 309 entries from 14 economies, the 20th APICTA Awards was held yesterday (December 15). The project Achieving Zero-COVID with the Integrated Hong Kong Digital Health Platform won the Winner award under Public Sector and Government category – Government & Citizen Services.

     The project Achieving Zero-COVID with the Integrated Hong Kong Digital Health Platform covers a number of information technology platforms developed and used by relevant organisations such as the Department of Health and the HA in supporting anti-epidemic work. It aims to implement comprehensive and diversified information technology solutions to support the Government's rapid and effective implementation of various anti-epidemic measures in response to the ever-changing COVID-19 epidemic situation. The Integrated Hong Kong Digital Health Platform and Solutions is interwoven with Hong Kong's measures on testing, close contact tracing, vaccination and provision of quarantine and treatment facilities, with a view to achieving the objective of "early identification, early isolation and early treatment of the infected".

     "Hong Kong's performance in this competition is encouraging. It not only affirms the determination of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to enhance Hong Kong's anti-epidemic capabilities through the application of technology, but also fully confirms Hong Kong's leading advantage in the development of information and communications technology (ICT)," a Government spokesman said.

     The APICTA Awards aims at increasing ICT awareness, stimulating ICT innovation and creativity, and assisting in bridging the digital divide in the region. The Public Sector and Government category – Government & Citizen Services award commends outstanding ICT innovation dedicated to delivering improved government and public sector services or other electronic initiatives to the community.