Following Labour pressure the Government has finally backed down on Universal Credit reports – Debbie Abrahams MP

Abrahams MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary
responding to
the Government’s climb down on the Universal Credit papers, said:

“Following Labour pressure, the
Government has finally backed down and made a clear commitment to hand over the
Universal Credit reports.

“This should give greater insight into
the scale of their implementation and design failures during the mismanagement
of the programme and must be published unredacted and unedited.

“Too many families have been pushed into
poverty by the Tories’ disastrous mishandling of Universal Credit’s roll out
and it is only set to get worse, with thousands facing a miserable Christmas.

“It is time we knew the true extent of
the Government’s failures with Universal Credit in order to fix the multitude
of problems.

“Labour will transform Universal Credit
to ensure it reduces child poverty and always makes work pay.”