FOI requests received by the VMD between 1 January to 30 June 2020


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Details of 24 FOI requests received by the VMD in the first six months of 2020

The VMD received the following FOI requests in the first six months of 2020. Of the 24 requests:

  • 4 were requests related to our information and communications technology (ICT) arrangements
  • 13 sought information about certain veterinary medicinal products
  • 2 were requests for information about Pharmacovigilance
  • 1 sought information relating to our Finance Team
  • 2 sought information relating to the work of our Enforcement Team
  • 2 sought information relating to general work

If you would like to see any of these requests and our replies please email citing the ATI reference number below.

Requests about our information and communications technology (ICT) arrangements

ATI reference number Subject
ATI0638   Information on spam/malicious emails
ATI0640   Information on IT solutions
ATI0648   Information on Telephone and network
ATI0650   Information on IT solutions

Requests for information about certain veterinary medicinal products

ATI reference number Subject
ATI0642   Information in the 2018 and 2017 quarterly reports and Aquamid
ATI0645   Information on Imidacloprid since 2014
ATI0646   Information on applications for marketing authorisation since January 1st 2020 for a product containing Imidacloprid
ATI0649   Details of all SICs issued since 01/07/2019 to date for any product imported to the UK containing the active substance of Bronopol
ATI0651   Detail of SICs applied for, successful or unsuccessful for the active substance Bronopol
ATI0652   Detail on what amprolium in feed products are coming into the UK on SICs
ATI0653   Detail on how many SICs have been issued for the months of Jan, Feb, March and April 2020 for lactating cow intramammary tubes?
ATI0655   Request for information on Imidacloprid
ATI0657   Details on a list of VMPs which were authorised for food producing species that was produced by the VMD
ATI0658   Details on any proposed, in progress and completed field trials of Imidacloprid (Ectosan/BMK08) by the salmon farming industry in Scotland since 2017
ATI0659   Detail of SICs issued that listed an intramammary tube product from May 2020 to date
ATI0661   Request for copies of the SIC applications for the active substance Bronopol with all individual and company identifying data redacted
ATI0662   Request for information on Imidacloprid

Requests for Pharmacovigilance information

ATI reference number Subject
ATI0643   Detail of an adverse event in dogs vaccinated with a live CAV2 strain
ATI0644   Information on number, nature and incidence rate of a number of adverse reactions concerning ketoconazole

Requests for information relating to the work of our Finance Team

ATI reference number Subject
ATI0656   Data on the performance of the VMD against its prompt payment targets for the years 2015-2020

Requests for information relating to the work of our Residues Team

ATI reference number Subject
ATI0639   Information on PCBs found and information held on the origins of the farmed salmon
ATI0654   Detail on studies of local residue depletion of Kelaprofen

Requests for information relating to General Work

ATI reference number Subject
ATI0641   Information on catering facilities
ATI0647   Information on the VMD FOI Team

Published 20 August 2020

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